Online Learning Vs Traditional Learning | Difference Between Online Education And Traditional Education
It is true that education is the basic necessity as well as the right of every person. It is the tool which assist a person to differentiate between good and bad, import and export and profit and loss. It is necessary for a person to be in a developing path or to create a valuable society and it can be done only by an educated person.
The education system in this century has totally become changed. It shifted from traditional one to the online education. The main trigger of this change was COVID-19 and almost all organizations had followed online education system and some of them are still following. Now there is a competition we can say, between traditional education (face-to-face learning or the education we get in schools, colleges or universities) and online education (distance learning or learning through online platforms or internet).
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As we know that nothing is perfect in this world, from technology to the human beings. Everything has some negative points besides its advantages. The two learning ways that I have mentioned above has advantages as well as disadvantages.
Internet, Electricity and Technology
As we all are familiar with the process of online classes or education that without having a proper internet connection and smartphone or laptop no body can take online classes. Furthermore it is compulsory to have electricity for charging the gadgets like PCs and mobile devices. So, online learning is totally dependent on internet, electricity and technology but the traditional education does not need any one of them as the online education requires. In traditional education a student can take classes by going to his)her campus.
Pakistan is among under developing countries. In Pakistan load shedding is a huge challenge, there are still some areas which face 8 to 15 hours of load shading. Due to this challenge students are unable to plugin their gadget's charger. It simply creates the problem of charging in laptops and mobile devices. Since we can not use our laptops and smartphones without charging. So if our system battery is dead at the time of class and addition to this we also have light issue, we are unfit to attain that class.
Pakistan is among under developing countries and its all regions and areas aren not genuinely important developed, they don't have advanced technology and numerous other establishments like internet. Since internet is the main and most major factor in online education, how can students belonging to slim areas attain their classes? The students living in such areas will lag before, their education will be suffered. For illustration, Kailash vale in Chitral, Shandur and numerous other areas in Gilgit Baltistan have no any internet installation, these areas truly don't have mobile service. The students living in these areas cannot move to any other place or net cafe for their classes due to several reasons like travel costs.
Travel Cost
As we have discussed above that a student can take classes by going to his/her campus but there is the cost of travel which he/she have to pay. Without paying the travel cost a student cannot do to campus for taking classes. On the other hand online education saves the cost of travel for students only if there is availability of internet in their homes and other gadgets like smartphones and laptops. So, there is the cost of travel in traditional education but not in online education system.
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Concept of Discipline, Communication Skills and Social Interaction
To change a habit, make a conscious decision , then act out the new behavior is known as education according to 'Maxwell Maltz'. Education does mean only covering the course. Real or true education means to learn and act something new and positive. Real education brings change in discipline, communication skills and social interaction of a student and it can be accomplished in traditional education.
It is the campus where a student learn about discipline, how to communicate and how to meet and interact with others according to their profession. On the other hand a student cannot learn these things by sitting at his/her home. He/she will not have any idea about meeting and communicating with others face-to-face by judging their post.
In addition the online education skips several other relations between students and teachers or preceptors, and between preceptors as well. In face-to-face learning we can clear our doubts about the topic by asking questions at a time but not in traditional education. It will be be hazardous for the teachers to manage questions in online teaching. Students face problems in asking questions, If teacher un-mute the speakers of whole class because it creates noise which disturb the literacy process.
The idea of online education also skips the concept of getting knowledge from the other teachers of the department. In face to face classes or traditional education we can fluently and effortlessly fix our problems like figure and information etc by visiting different services and departments. We can also clear our doubts by visiting other teachers in the department after taking the class.
online education is good but not for under developing countries, as it has multiple issues. It may be a actually best for the developed countries where there are internet connections everywhere, but not for us. However, it might be salutary, if we enhance our technology and the internet facilities. But without advanced facilities and technology it will not be salutary or beneficial.