Adverse Effects Of Being Quarantined
Quarantine is the separation and restriction of movement of people who have potentially been exposed to a contagious disease to find out if they become unwell, so reducing the risk of them infecting others.
The word quarantine was first used in Venice, Italy in 1127 with regards to leprosy and was widely used in response to the Black Death, although it was not until 300 years later that the UK properly began to impose quarantine in response to plague.
Freshly quarantine has been used in the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. Quarantine is often an unpleasant experience for those who undergo it. It adversely affect one’s mental health and social life. Some of the major impacts are explained as under,
Financial Lose
Quarantine adversely impact the economy of the person and the whole nation as well. Sine in quarantine a person is not allowed to move and meet other people, this will lead to financial loss due to the inability to work.
Today most of the people are working from home and people in quarantine can also complete their work. But the people who are quarantined cannot concentrate on work since they are mentally disturbed. They have the fear of their health and death, such kind of thinking is a major obstacle in doing any kind of work properly.
Secondly a labor cannot do their work from home. As the work of labor cannot be done on laptops or mobile phones and through internet. They earn by doing work on daily basis. A labor financial status is very adversely effected due to quarantine. How a labor in quarantine can feed their family and how can he fulfill his needs without doing work?
Separation From Loved Ones
Since people in quarantine are separated to find out if they are unwell or not. Such people always think about their health, property, family and any other infection. They thought that they are separated because they have very serious health problem and they also get other infections too. They always fear that they may get unwell and they may lose their lives.
Generation Of Anger
The only job of people in quarantine is using electronic devices and internet. Since we know that we get bored by access use of social media and internet. We also know that if we have no any job to do, we get irritated very easily. Quarantined people also get irritated by doing nothing all day and this irritations generates anger in them.
In daily routine we divert our thinking from our anger behavior by doing other activities such as playing with our friends, spending time with our favourite people. While people in quarantine cannot do such activities and their anger and frustration increases. They are always in anger mood due to which they lose the ability to tolerate anger and frustration.
Since quarantine has adverse impact on ones social and mental health, but to overcome the serious issue of COVID-19 and remove the risk of separating this hazardous disease we need to quarantine the people who are exposed to this disease.
To reduce the negative effects of quarantine we need to join hands and help the people who are in quarantine. We must support them morally and financially if needed.
Quarantine is the separation and restriction of movement of people who have potentially been exposed to a contagious disease to find out if they become unwell, so reducing the risk of them infecting others.
The word quarantine was first used in Venice, Italy in 1127 with regards to leprosy and was widely used in response to the Black Death, although it was not until 300 years later that the UK properly began to impose quarantine in response to plague.

Financial Lose
Quarantine adversely impact the economy of the person and the whole nation as well. Sine in quarantine a person is not allowed to move and meet other people, this will lead to financial loss due to the inability to work.
Today most of the people are working from home and people in quarantine can also complete their work. But the people who are quarantined cannot concentrate on work since they are mentally disturbed. They have the fear of their health and death, such kind of thinking is a major obstacle in doing any kind of work properly.
Secondly a labor cannot do their work from home. As the work of labor cannot be done on laptops or mobile phones and through internet. They earn by doing work on daily basis. A labor financial status is very adversely effected due to quarantine. How a labor in quarantine can feed their family and how can he fulfill his needs without doing work?
Separation From Loved Ones
Since people in quarantine are separated to find out if they are unwell or not. Such people always think about their health, property, family and any other infection. They thought that they are separated because they have very serious health problem and they also get other infections too. They always fear that they may get unwell and they may lose their lives.

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Moreover they are also separated from their loved ones whom they can share their problems. Since by spending time with our loved ones we can reduce or tensions but people in quarantine are unable to spent time with loved ones and they get stressed. Furthermore people living alone thinks negatively most of their time and this negative thinking leads to stress. So people in quarantine are the stressful persons.Generation Of Anger
The only job of people in quarantine is using electronic devices and internet. Since we know that we get bored by access use of social media and internet. We also know that if we have no any job to do, we get irritated very easily. Quarantined people also get irritated by doing nothing all day and this irritations generates anger in them.
In daily routine we divert our thinking from our anger behavior by doing other activities such as playing with our friends, spending time with our favourite people. While people in quarantine cannot do such activities and their anger and frustration increases. They are always in anger mood due to which they lose the ability to tolerate anger and frustration.
Since quarantine has adverse impact on ones social and mental health, but to overcome the serious issue of COVID-19 and remove the risk of separating this hazardous disease we need to quarantine the people who are exposed to this disease.
To reduce the negative effects of quarantine we need to join hands and help the people who are in quarantine. We must support them morally and financially if needed.