Role of an active citizen in helping people by keeping physical distance during current situation brought by COVID-19
Corona Virus is a virus which enters the body through eye, ear, mouth, nose and by touching. To avoid the increasing separation of this dangerous disease, there is lock down in every country, city, village and town.
Lock down creates fear and tense situation among people. As an active citizen we can help the people through following ways,
Spreading Awareness Among People
Awareness is the key to get free from a disturbing situation. As an active citizen it is our role to give awareness to people in this terrific situation. First of all I should tell my own family that the main thing to avoid corona virus is keeping distance and other measures like washing hands, using sanitizer, and wearing mask whenever they go out.

I also spread this awareness in my surrounding through social media and also by going to neighbors with proper management. Moreover I also convince people to spread the awareness which I provided to them.
The local television channels are the major routes to spread any news. So, I request the local channels to make an advertisement of the awareness.
Provision Of Food
Without food it is impossible to survive. In this difficult situation we have to keep on mind the management of food. In my area mostly people are labor. They earn something by working the whole day but this lock down became the major obstacle to their earning.
As an active citizen I can collect donations from my family, relatives, and neighbors. I can also convince them for giving donations to the needy people. Furthermore I can also share the food cooked in my home to the needy people.
Sharing The Importance Of Cleanliness
Cleanliness is one of the important step to become safe from any disease. It helps us to fight against almost every disease. Corona Virus is the disease which can be overcome by cleanliness.

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As an educated person or as an active citizen it is my responsibility to keep my home and surrounding clean. I can share the importance of cleanliness with people by pasting different banners on the main streets, as a volunteer.
Without acting on an awareness it is difficult to solve any issue. In this terrific situation we should follow the instructions which are the only ways to save our lives by keeping distance, using sanitizers and by wearing masks. So be happy and make others also by staying at home.