Doctors And Physicians Are Heroes Of Today

Doctors And Physicians Are Heroes Of Today

Every crisis has its heroes and every disaster is a display of selflessness and sacrifices. Firefighters race into burning buildings, police officers places themselves in the line of fire and soldiers march into war. Everyone is doing their job. So are the Doctors heroes of today?
Doctors And Physicians Are Heroes Of Today
Every Profession Is A Duty
Everyone's profession is a duty and the person in that profession must perform their duty in any case. So doctors must save lives and look after patients. They are not doing something unusual, they are only performing their duty.
In addition to this like every other person doctors and other health staff also earn money from their jobs, they are not doing something free of cost. Looking after patients is their job and they are paid for that.
Everyone Is Working In This Crises
Furthermore, if we talk about the pandemic of COVID-19 not only health staff is working but the whole nation is working to overcome the situation. Like, police officers are busy controlling people from getting out of their homes.
Some people are distributing food and money among people deserving people and some spread awareness regarding coronavirus. So doctors and other supporting staff are not the only people who work in this crisis.
Doctors Have More Risk Than Other People
Since health staff is only performing their job, they are not doing something unusual and they are also paid for that. But in the pandemic of COVID-19, the health care staff (doctors, nurses, and supporting staff) are the persons who are taking risk of being infected and they also risk their families being infected.
Doctors And Physicians Are Heroes Of Today
Health staff has to deal with coronavirus patients directly and we know that coronavirus enters the body through the nose, mouth, eye, and by touching infected people. So doctors have more risk to get infected as they are working and dealing with coronavirus patients the whole day and night.
Doctors And Physicians Sacrifices A lot
Moreover, they sacrifice their time to save the life of other people. They work the whole day and night to reduce the patients of with coronavirus. They even do not spend time with their family and dear ones. Spending no time with family is the most heartbreaking thing.
We are not even thinking to keep a distance from our family and spend no time with our family but doctors, nurses, and other health staff even could not see the face of their blood relations for days and weeks. Only a hero can sacrifice their time for others and handle and bear the pain of not meeting their loved ones.
Furthermore, the whole health staff is restored to wear a garbage bag as protective gear, which is irritating. As it is summertime and we all want to wear light clothes but health staff is wearing a face mask, gloves and protective suits in this hot season and bear the hot weather.

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  1. Very well written article 👍
    Your friend from
