Perception And Link Between Perception And Individual Decision Making

Perception And Link Between Perception And Individual Decision Making 

Everybody wants to be a leader but nobody knows the reality within the environment. The best leader always judges his/her environment and gives accurate meaning to it. Today we are here with some important stuff that will assist you to be a good leader. Even you can be one of the best social animals by going through the post.

Here we have shared some information about judging the environment and people. Just go through the knowledge provided below and think for a while that either you can be a good leader or not?

What is Perception

Perception is the process by which individuals establish and analyze their sensual feelings to find out what is a reality within the environment? The individuals use their five senses to judge and give meaning to their environment.

Perception And Link Between Perception And Individual Decision Making
Factors that influence perception

The factors that influence perception are categorized into three parts;

1-Factors in the situation

It's the time of interaction between perceiver and target or object. It has a big influence on perception.

For example, A person's impressions will be different when he/she met with his/her boss at the office when he/she met in a restaurant.

The factor includes time, work setting, and social setting.

2-Factors in the perceiver

The person who interprets and judges the target or object is known as the perceiver. The perceiver also has characteristics or factors which influence perception.

  • Attitude;

The attitude of the perceiver has a big influence on perception.

For example, Mr. James is interviewing candidates for a position (negotiating contracts with suppliers, and most of the negotiators are male) in his organization. The attitude of Mr... James regarding females is bad or negative. So, his attitude may impact his perception of female candidates for whom he takes interviews.

  • Moods;

Moods also have a strong influence on perception. Our thinking changes with the change of our moods. In a positive mood, we form more positive impressions of others, and in a negative mood, we go against others by only judging their weaknesses.

  • Motives;

Unsatisfied motives of the perceiver may also have a big influence on his perception.

For example, A boss who is perceiving his subordinate's efforts of doing well a job as a threat to his position.

It's personal insecurity and can be transferred into the perception that others are out to "get my job" regardless of the intention of subordinates.

  • Self-Concept;

The perceiver's self-concept has an audience on his perception. Self-understanding is one of the basic requirements to accurately judge others.

If the individual has a positive self-concept then he tends to notice positive attributes in another person and if the perceiver has a negative self-concept then he only notices negative attributes in another person.

  • Interests;

The focus of our attention is our interest. Interest may vary from person to person. One notices a situation differently than another.

  • Cognitive Structure;

It's an individual's pattern of thinking. The pattern of thinking also varies from person to person. Everybody thinks differently has different thinking levels.

  • Expectations;

The expectations of the individual have a big influence on his perception. The individual will only see what he expects to see. People who accept themselves are more likely to be able to see favorable aspects of other people.

3-Factors in the target or object

The target also has characteristics that influence the perception. The physical appearance of a person plays a role in perception. His way of motion, size, and other attributes. The perceiver will notice physical features of the target that are weight, height, age, and gender.

For example, Mr. Scorpio is taking interviews with candidates for a position in his organization. He will notice the candidate's voice tone, his/her way of talking, and his/her accent, and make judgments. He also focuses on non-verbal communication like the candidate's eye contact, his/her facial expressions, etc.

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Perceptual Shortcuts

Some shortcuts in judging others. The main perceptual shortcuts are as follows;

1-Selective perception

The selective interpretation of what we see, based on motives, experience, attitudes, and interests is called selective perception.

The process is time-saving but risks drawing inaccurate pictures of the target. In this process, we don't have to interpret the characteristics of others one by one.

2-Halo effect

In the halo effect, a single characteristic of an individual is enough to judge him/her.

In this process, a general expression is drawn about an individual based on a single characteristic.

For example, A boss selected a candidate for a position in his organization by seeing his intelligence level but the candidate is a poor typist.

3-Contrast effect

In contrast effect, there is a comparison of a person's characteristics with another and select the person who ranks high on those characteristics. The process is done mostly on job interviews.


Judging someone based on one's perception of the group, to which that person belongs.

For example, Asian people are hardworking, African people are strong.

What is a link between perception and individual decision making

Individual Decision Making;

Individual decision-making is simply individually choosing between two or more alternatives. Individual decision-making does not involve more than one person or a group. It's a cheap process than group decision-making as well as time-saving.

Every individual has a point where he/she is expected to make a decision and that decision has a link to an individual's perception.

Most decisions are influenced by an individual's behavior and that behavior is affected by perception.

If an individual perceived knowledge clearly by using his/her sensual impression wonderfully then he/she will make rightful decisions and visa verse.

Most pole can't process all the information or huge data to make decisions that's why they go for the shortcuts of perception to save their time. Likewise, there is a link between perception and individual decision-making.

The more appropriate perception, the more valuable will be the decision.

By remembering the above-mentioned information we hope that an individual can give a good meaning to his/her environment. He/she can be a good decision maker by developing his/her decision-making process, he/she will be able to reduce every problem that comes to the point where he/she is making decisions.

Likewise, by understanding reality within the environment, making beneficial decisions, and reducing errors within the environment, the person can be one of the best leaders.

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