COVID-19 In-Force People To Join Hands
Today people are joining hands from all over the world. “ CO” stands for corona, “VI” stands for Virus, and “D” stands for Disease. Corona virus disease is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. The disease was first identified in Wuhan, China.
Corona Viruse Equally Effected The Whole World
In the whole world we created different classes such as super power countries, developed countries, and developing countries. We always think that the super powers or developed countries do not have problems or issues related to health, finance and other life problems. Even when these countries face any problem or issue they solve it very immediately.
But the COVID-19 has proved our thinking wrong. It shows that COVID-19 does not effect only poor or developing countries, it has its impact on the world’s super powers like America and China. COVID-19 equally effected the whole world. In addition to this, the financial status of developed or rich countries is also effected. Moreover no any super power or developed country had found the solution of COVID-19.
Corona Viruse Finished The Classes Among People
If we consider a single country or Nation, with in that country there are different caste systems. The whole Nation is divided into different groups such as upper class, middle class, lower class, rich people, poor people and many more. Corona Virus has equally effected everyone in the country.
COVID-19 removed this caste and grouping system by equally attacking rich and poor people, upper and lower or middle class.
Corona Viruse Created Friendly Environment Around The World
As we know that not every country is friend with other country, there are some countries in the world which are enemies of each other. Such countries have many problems and issues with each other. Since when countries have friendly relations still they have differences among them.
Now a days all the countries are working together putting aside their personal issues and differences to defeat COVID-19. They all had forgotten their enemies and friends, the only job they are doing now is, they are working together to find a solution (vaccine) for Corona Virus instead of fighting with each other. Every country is trying to help other Nations in this difficult situation, which is a positive point.
We cannot defeat COVID-19 until we put aside our personal issues and join hand with other people and countries. We must cooperate with Government and follow the rules provided by Government and health organizations. We also have to help each other in this difficult situation.
Today people are joining hands from all over the world. “ CO” stands for corona, “VI” stands for Virus, and “D” stands for Disease. Corona virus disease is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. The disease was first identified in Wuhan, China.

In the whole world we created different classes such as super power countries, developed countries, and developing countries. We always think that the super powers or developed countries do not have problems or issues related to health, finance and other life problems. Even when these countries face any problem or issue they solve it very immediately.
But the COVID-19 has proved our thinking wrong. It shows that COVID-19 does not effect only poor or developing countries, it has its impact on the world’s super powers like America and China. COVID-19 equally effected the whole world. In addition to this, the financial status of developed or rich countries is also effected. Moreover no any super power or developed country had found the solution of COVID-19.
Corona Viruse Finished The Classes Among People
If we consider a single country or Nation, with in that country there are different caste systems. The whole Nation is divided into different groups such as upper class, middle class, lower class, rich people, poor people and many more. Corona Virus has equally effected everyone in the country.
COVID-19 removed this caste and grouping system by equally attacking rich and poor people, upper and lower or middle class.

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We were thinking that rich people do not have any worries, but our this thinking is also proven wrong, not only poor people are worried about the disease (COVID-19) but, every one is equally worried about it.Corona Viruse Created Friendly Environment Around The World
As we know that not every country is friend with other country, there are some countries in the world which are enemies of each other. Such countries have many problems and issues with each other. Since when countries have friendly relations still they have differences among them.
Now a days all the countries are working together putting aside their personal issues and differences to defeat COVID-19. They all had forgotten their enemies and friends, the only job they are doing now is, they are working together to find a solution (vaccine) for Corona Virus instead of fighting with each other. Every country is trying to help other Nations in this difficult situation, which is a positive point.
We cannot defeat COVID-19 until we put aside our personal issues and join hand with other people and countries. We must cooperate with Government and follow the rules provided by Government and health organizations. We also have to help each other in this difficult situation.